A Butoh and Video Performance
"Those languid bodies
once were
tense of life"
When does our body languish if it is not when we lose it?
Death itself, in that tension that torments us so much, must go through the total languor that so much romanticizes us.
From our early childhood we feel how our members come into different tensions, be it by surprise, fear, anxiety, excitement, passion, and we discover that languor - as a total exhaustion - comes when that tension ends, when we cannot endure it more, when something stronger than us has been completely satiated.
Sexual rape of girls and boys within the family is more than common in our species, it is a continuous practice, almost traditional, and in the same way it is a practice of concealment of the act that societies and religions reject but do everything possible to avoid its exit to the light; the abuse by one becomes the abuse by all. The presence of that abuse continues in the life of the violated person and it is a reminder that traditions do not break easily.
In the absence of a greater fight against physical and mental violence languor becomes the only means of survival, allowing everything that attacks us to penetrate even more easily, without resistance, until the end of life itself.
Neither adolescence dreams, nor the desire of having a family or even a personal professional success will leave our -forever- languid body... The tension of that omnipresent trauma is also a kind of languor.
Omar Ramírez Casas in his seven sections in video and Gustavo Thomas in his improvised choreographies of Butoh navigate through the hidden images of that trance of the languid body due to the violence exerted by sexual abuse in childhood.
The images of his creation follow each other without apparent chronological logic, let's say they are a substitute for impressions of a concrete fact, as is the visual poetry of Omar and the internal impulse of Gustavo's performative body.
The non-conclusion of this creative act is a metaphor of death itself: the total languor of the body and its images is the accumulation of beauty before its final dissolution.

Languid bodies
once they were
tense in life
of beautiful skin
looks constantly
to the roof
Her tender body
looks to the sky
Ingenuous brother
you take advantage
of familiar kisses
You lunge
slow and violent
Without tension
my chest slips
near hell
Time I do not weep for me
After tension
to languish is the means
I let up
I rise above
I receive without relief
that in which I lose myself
Floating swollen
in my own waters
The veils dirty
my limbs
they do not scream
nor moan
they dream about themselves in relief
Masks of purity
they do not clean
the lips
The wedding
it is a rose-pink punishment
a bloody one
Vain hope
The children detach
Loneliness flies
without remedy
opaque and languid
forever lost
Beauty hates
Irreparable sadness