Memories of a forced confinement
A Visit

“Sous l'action du fléau, les cadres de la société se liquéfient. L'ordre tombe. Il assiste à toutes les déroutes de la morale, à toutes les débâcles de la psychologie, il entend en lui le murmure de ses humeurs, déchirées, en pleine défaite, et qui, dans une vertigineuse déperdition de matière, deviennent lourdes et se métamorphosent peu a peu en charbon. Est-il donc trop tard pour conjurer le fléau? Même détruit, même annihilé et pulvérisé organiquement, et brúlé dans les moelles, il sait qu'on ne meurt pas dans les rêves, que la volonté y
joue jusqu'à l'absurde, jusqu'à la négation du possible, jusqu'à une sorte de
transmutation du mensonge dont on refait de la vérité.”
Antonin Artaud
Le Théâtre et la Peste
A day after the start of the new year the Chinese authorities began taking drastic measures to contain the further expansion of a new virus. The areas of greatest danger were completely closed off and people confined to their homes with minimal or no contact with the outside. In most of the country there have been less harsh actions, but they have virtually paralyzed most of the economic and social activities for a month. It has been the Internet, with its mass of news - real or fake - and comments - rational and extreme - the only line of communication between all of us. Day and night in the same space feeding on our fears and anxieties, fighting to not get carried away and to remain rational.
“A visit”, the second phase of this project, continues (like the same epidemic) within the confinement that begins to relax. Three artists find themselves in a macabre dream atmosphere. In this case, a magical and surreal document by the three artists who visit each other when it is already possible to move around in their locality and see the conditions in which others are experiencing these times. Here, photography, Butoh, music and tango are mixed in a fantasy of our artistic unconscious as if the quarantine would never end.